The scenario manager maps out the effects of new infrastructure to be planned. This tool calculates routes and intensity after the construction of new connections or the closure of roads. For public transport, bicycle, motorized traffic and freight.

Target group on the map provides a detailed picture of routes and travel patterns of specific target groups or potential customers. The model provides insight into the occupancy of networks, such as the public transport network, the logistics network and cycle and pedestrian paths.

Our Routing Engine calculates which facilities, destinations and locations are within reach. This information is available for all addresses in the Netherlands, for every trip at any time – at the touch of a button.

Voor elk adres in Nederland leveren we data over bereikbare voorzieningen en de kwaliteit van de leefomgeving. Beschikbaar als digitale en integreerbare tool die ten alle tijde toegankelijk is.

Get in touch

François de Veyestraat 8b

6221 AB Maastricht

06 – 43 43 18 33
