Environment API

Data about the quality and properties of the living environment for every address or location in the Netherlands.

Our environment contributes to our well-being. It directly affects our physical and mental health. That is why we attach great importance to the quality of our living environment. That is why it is valuable to have direct access to all available data about the physical and social environment. The Environment API integrates these into one handy tool.

The Environment API provides data about the quality and properties of the living environment. It integrates values for 700+ variables from a wide range of open-source sources. The data includes the domains of society and economy, environment, the presence of industry and agriculture and accessible facilities. In just a few clicks, this data is available for any address or location in the Netherlands. The tool is available as an API or as a ready-made software module.

Which data does the Environment API deliver?

The Environment API returns data from official, open data sources, including from the Dutch agencies CBS, GGD, RIVM, Wageningen University & Research and the European Space Agency.

  • Environmental pollution – air pollution, emissions (air, water, soil)
  • Social and societal circumstances – 14 various themes, including population, income, housing, education, energy, employment, public health, etc.
  • Presence and vicinity of facilities – including public transport (transit stations and stops), education institutes and hospitals.
  • Environment – urbanisation, agriculture and land use, vicinity of business parks and industry.

How does the Environment API work?

The Environment API requests data from about twenty official sources and combines them into one data integration. The API retrieves all this data at the same time for each possible address. This is done based on the geolocation of the address. The API then provides statistics and for some variables, a distance to the nearest facilities. In this way, values for addresses can be retrieved on a large scale. If integration on a website is possible, the API can provide data about addresses, for example to home seekers.


This tool is available as ready-to-use software module or can be integrated as an API.

Application in health research: Inner Buddies

We zijn verheugd dat de Environment API inmiddels wordt gebruikt bij onderzoek naar gezondheid. Onze partner InnerBuddies onderzoekt de invloed van omgevingsfactoren op gezondheid – om preciezer te zijn, microbiomen. Gezondheidsdata van deelnemers worden hierbij verrijkt met omgevingsdata, op basis van het adres. Zo wordt bijvoorbeeld de relatie onderzocht tussen water- en luchtkwaliteit en gezondheid. Dankzij de Environment API kan hier nu op grote schaal naar gekeken worden.


Het onderzoek is een partnerschap van Genzai, InnerBuddies en StraTopo met steun van MIT R&D.


Sven Reulen


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François de Veyestraat 8b

6221 AB Maastricht

06 – 43 43 18 33
